XX XX XXXXXX XX XX XX XX XXXXXX XXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXX XXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XX XX XXXX XXXXXX #1, 1995 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX X-Philes CD-Rom viewer version 3.0 1995-09-25 -------------------------------------------------------------------- This disk contains the latest version of the X-Philes fileviewer for Windows 3.1, 3.11 and Windows 95. To install this software, just run the setup.exe program from this disk. You SHOULD NOT try to install the fileviewer that are located on the CD, Use the one on this diskette instead. If you try to install from the CD-Rom under Windows 3.11 you may get into trouble. If your systems doesn't work properly after the install, you may have to replace the file VER.DLL with the original one from your Windows disks or the one from this disk. The problem occurs because the setup on the CD was developed under Windows 95 and the VER.DLL from Windows 95 is not compatible with the one under Windows 3.11. Most of the files on this CD is packed with the standard ZIP compression format. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to use: The first window that appear when you start the X-Philes viewer is the arealist. This is the list of all fileareas located on the CD and all the files on this CD can be found in these areas. You only have to click ONE time with the left mousebutton to access these areas. A scrollbar will appear in the bottom of the list if all areas can't fit the window at the time. On top of the arealist window theres a menu where you can do the following: File: Set CD-Rom drive: Normaly the viewer searches automatically for the X-Philes CD-Rom. But if it can't find it you can here manually set the correct drive where the CD is located. Reset Settings: This option lets you center all the windows and set their default size. This can be useful if you have moved/resized the windows and you want them back at the original position and size. Save Settings: Here you can save most windows size, position and fonts to a setup file and next time you start the viewer these settings will be automatically loaded. Edit: Set Font: Allows you to customize how the text in the arealist will appear. Search: Search: (Control + F) This option lets you search all the files description for a given keyword. The search will be made in all fileareas on the CD. A maximum of 1000 search hits will be listed. Info: About X-Philes: Displays info about this product and system. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The filelist(Area view) window will appear everytime you have selected an area or made a successfully keyword search. The window will show you all the files in the selected area or all the files that did match in the search. If you click on one file a event will be activated depending on the function selected in the "function" menu. You can scroll the window Up or Down using the scrollbar to the right of the window or using the Cursor/Page Up/Down keys. On top of the window theres a menu located and where you can do the following: File: Close: (F1) Allows you to close the window and goto the previous arealist window. The Escape key or F1 key on your keyboard will also activate this function. Edit: Here you can set the style of the text in the areaviewer. Search: This function has the same function as the Search in the previous windows. The difference is that here you can select if you want to search in this area(local search) or in all areas. Function: Here you select what you want to do when you select a file with the left mousebutton. If you select a file and press shift at the same time the length of file will be displayed at the top of the window. View File: If the filename you have selected ends with .ZIP an another window will appear with a list with the contents of the .ZIP file. From this list you can then select what file to display. The escape key or "Go Back" button will close the window. If you press on the big "X" button, the first file in the list will be selected. On the bottom of the "Zip Contents" window you can select what you want to do with the file you select. The function of these buttons are the same as the one in filelist window. If the filename doesn't end with .ZIP the fileviewer window or the picture viewer will appear. Copy File: This function allows you to copy the selected file to an another drive for later use. If you select a file with this option selected a fileselector will appear where you can select the target drive and directory. Upload File: This function is useful if you want to transfer the file to an another computer or calculator using the standard RS-232 serial port. X-modem is used as protocol for transferring the files. You can only Upload files in this viewer, not downloading. A special X-Modem uploading window will appear when you select a file. In this window you can select the desired communication speed and communication port. When the target machine is ready just press the "Start Transfer" button to start the upload. If you press the "Cancel" button while uploading the upload will be aborted. Just press the cancel button or the escape key to return to the previous window. Info: Will display a dialogbox with the filelength of the selected file. An another way to display the length of a file is to hold down shift and select a file. The length will then be displayed at the top of the window. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The fileviewer window: In this window the actual contents of the file is displayed. You can use the scrollbar to the right or the Cursor/Page Up/Down keys to scroll the text up or down. On the of the Windows you can view the following parameters: * Number of lines of the text * Number of characters in the text (the filelength) * The current row number the cursor is located on * The current column the cursor is located on In the topmenu you can do the following: File: Save As: This is the function to use if you want to save the text in the viewer to an external file. A fileselector will appear in which you can select the destination name, drive and directory. Printer Setup: Here you can setup the printer. Print: If you want to print out the text to your printer this is the right option for you. When this option is selected a messagebox is displayed with the amount of lines the text consists of. Press "OK" to start printing and "Cancel" return to the viewer without printing. Close: Will return you to the previous window. You can also use F1 or the escape key to do the same thing. Edit: Copy: Will copy the text you have selected with the mouse into Windows clipboard or into some other application. Font: Set Font: Here you can set the style of the text. Search: Find: (Control +F) You select this option to start a new search. A window will appear in which you can enter the keyword to search for. Find Next: (Control +N) Finds the next line that matches the keyword. Find Previous: (Control +P) Finds the previous line that matches the keyword. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Graphics viewer: If the file you are trying to view has the following extensions: .GIF .JPG .BMP .IMG .PCX .TGA .TIF .DIB The graphics viewer will be activated and try to load the picture for viewing. In the graphics viewer you can do the following: *Zoom the pictures in several steps *Print the picture *SET JPEG picture parameters ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Please write to us if you find any bugs or if you have some ideas for the future revision of the X-Philes CD-Rom. There will perhaps be a X-Philes #2 CD-Rom available in 1996 if theres a demand for it. The latest version of the viewer can be found on the Synchron City BBS +46 431 17506 or at our WWW page. If you live in Sweden and wants to receive the latest version of this software you just send 20 Skr in stamps to the place where you bought your CD from. If you live outside Sweden you have to send us 3 international reply coupons. Please contact us if you want help in your CD-Rom production or help writing software in any language. The X-Philes Tore Nestenius Tranbaersvaegen 25 S-372 38 Ronneby Sweden BBS: +46 (0)431-17506 email: dt93tn@pt.hk-r.se or 100554.1465@compuserve.com Compuserve: 100554,1465 Netmail: Tore Nestenius 2:200/700 WWW: http://www.pt.hk-r.se/student/dt93tn/dt93tn.html